Work is not for me

Don’t get me wrong, I love my craft because I love figuring out things. It’s fun to tackle a problems and solve it. Often the feeling of exhilaration sweeps over me once a problem has been solved.
It’s not all the time of course. Sometimes there are tough nuts to crack and issues arise in code you never touched – that can be draining, but it’s part of the challenge.

What I don’t like though, is being stuck to something where switching requires a lot of energy. That’s exactly what work is.
There’s often a honeymoon phase when you start a new job, get to learn how the company works, what the project is you’ll be working on, get to know the people, processes and customers, all very fun! Then the first task is successfully tackled and the imposter syndrome subsides a little, however you always see something new that confirms just how little you know.

In any case, it’s great for a few months, but while working on my project, there’s always something else that catches my eye. I’m like a crow and problems are shiny, glittery things that attract me. In my private time, that crow is free and fly to investigate that new, shiny thing. At work, that crow is caged.

That’s what work feels like, a cage. Sure, the door is always open, but not every cage can be entered easily. There’s a seriously outdated process attached to it, that wastes the time of nearly everybody involved. And once the entry process terminates, you’ve successfully joined a new cage.
And all that, just for scraps as a reward in order to force you to stay in a least one cage for 40+ years of your life.

I love the craft, but I hate the system and I hate the job